How to Delight Your Customers and Grow Revenue

Areeya Lila
6 min readJul 10, 2022


Three ways to tailor your customer experiences that convert

Delighting customers is essential for any business — it leads to revenue growth and strengthens customer relationships. Satisfied customers are more likely to return, recommend your company to others, and buy additional products or services. Focusing on creating a customer feedback cycle is the key to delivering an excellent customer experience because you find out what resonated within that part of the buyer journey. This blog post will discuss how you can delight your customers and grow revenue!

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Information overload

Selling on the internet isn’t as easy as it sounds either. Customers are constantly being bombarded with information, and social media works as an accelerant to information overwhelm. Videos squeeze even more information out of that little screen. So how to delight your customers in a way that converts?

How do you give your customers what they want when they don’t know themselves? The answer is simple to say and hard to implement: give them what they want, when they want it, and how they want it. The challenge is to find out what that is.

There are three ways to try:

1. Evoke a sense of fate in the shopping experience based on customer location or demographics

Personalization used to be so much easier when customers visited a retail shop. You could tell where someone was, ask if they were buying for somebody else or just looking themselves, and offer some relevant products in return — don’t let your location data fool you, though! There are plenty of people living in flat Ohio who purchase skiing equipment.

Getting the best results from marketing campaigns helps us understand more about them as individuals by leveraging our knowledge of what interests or behaviors might appeal most.

When evaluating eCommerce transaction data, you can’t always guarantee that the buyer’s address and the shipper’s address will match. Instead, marketers need to go to outside data providers to get the household demographics from Experian and Personix. The information you get includes income brackets, brands they’re most likely to trust, where people shop, and the type of cars they drive- all of this is a valuable insight for any marketer! These characteristics may be what you already figured out, but you can easily tailor a story for the customer.

Research by the University of Sydney, University of Florida, and Rutgers has uncovered that seemingly random discoveries can play a huge role in customer satisfaction. Facebook also found that 63% of global shoppers enjoy discovering items they weren’t actively looking for. Netflix introduced a shuffle button that eliminates choice and plays randomly selected programs for consumers. This is done to create more satisfying, enjoyable experiences based on the idea of fate- which means discovering things you weren’t actively looking for but ended up loving anyway-super smart.

2. Upgrade the sense of convenience with unified cross-channel campaigns and experiences

The way we shop has changed. We’re no longer just looking for one thing — we may end up purchasing something entirely different than what was originally planned when our eyes caught sight of it in an aisle or on sale sign at the front door! This is because retailers now use marketing analytics that reveals which products are popular with certain groups (e., those who live nearby) based on age range, income level, etc. People live busy lives, so when you look at a customer’s journey, simplify ways to make it easier on them. Describe how your product or service brings convenience to your customer.

Often creating value for your customer in terms of time can be understanding how difficult it is to make it back to your store. By merging your retail transactions, you can add online engagements with tips that help them extend their life until they can make it. Offer a subscription delivery service that sends the regular items they use out. That keeps them coming back to you for a sense of convenience.

Cross-selling, a sales technique used to get customers to spend more by getting them interested in related products on your site or app, is an effective online and offline approach. Before, offering bundles was a way to cross-sell and provide convenience for customers who don’t want to look anymore. I use the example of buying shampoo and conditioner. Sometimes, it is easier for me to shop when they come in as a set.

Online you can identify opportunities for cross-selling through features that show what else might go well with this product, such as colors/models, etc. You have created a unified cross-channel campaign when you buy an item in-store and then get offered early access to the new styles online. In contrast, physical stores would benefit from training employees to always offer financing at checkout.

With the help of a customer data platform (CDP), you can use personalization strategies to create more personalized shopping experiences that cater to your customers’ needs regardless of where they get information. Building profiles for each customer using traditional and behavioral retargeting keeps interest high, so they don’t wander off, which is key to engaging them through social media marketing channels. Content works when you continuously offer something of value to the audience and provide convenience in tips on how to get the most out of the product or where you can find it. Personalizing the shopping experience based on customer location or demographics will make it feel like they are in an exclusive boutique where their tastes and preferences matter.

Always try to figure out how your company can help save your customers’ time and effort- the most important resources in their life — by offering a subscription model so that customers don’t need to think about when they will run out of essentials but unremarkable products would be great wouldn’t it? This kind of convenience is the winning strategy for Dollar Shave Club’s subscriptions for razor blades.

3. Tell product stories using social media data to influence browsing behaviors to connect with the target audiences

The last tactic to delight people into converting is through tried and true product stories. Stories give people context to aspire to; they can evoke a sense of need and urgency. Product stories are about what you have to tell them so that many different audiences can relate. Stay with me now; take the different generations’ unique social media habits. Young people are more likely to be on their phones all day. In contrast, older folks tend not to use them as much and instead focus attention on news sites or YouTube for information about current events to influence others within their community. Generations may be using digital media differently, but in common is its increased usage since mobile devices and outpaced demand for the helpful content.

More and more people are turning to social media influencers for their shopping advice. Influencers tell stories about how they use your product and how it benefits them. Customers trust your product because they can relate to the influencer they watch. Suppose you want a successful brand on mobile. In that case, the products must resonate with consumers’ values like the environment, poverty, or athletic performance- then your company will fit into communities of trusted individuals who share each other’s content through word-of-mouth marketing at home when they’re not online.

It’s not just people in your personal life anymore. You have social media influencers who share discount codes with their followers and other promotions to help increase sales for brands that fit into communities they trust — it’s like word-of-mouth but through a keyboard! One couple walked me through how this works: first, someone tags an item on Instagram using #loveit or similar hashtags, so others will see what they bought; then another user clicks through the link in the bio to purchase the product; and finally, if that user likes what they bought, they’ll tag it again with #loveit. And this will hopefully keep the promotion going. It is amazing how one story is told right and unleashes multiple sales without meeting the customer.

Delighted customers are more likely to return, recommend your company to others, and buy additional products or services. Focusing on creating a customer feedback cycle is the key to delivering an excellent customer experience. By tailoring your customer experiences based on their location or demographics, you can upgrade their sense of convenience for them. And by unifying cross-channel shopping experiences, you make it easier for customers to buy what they want from you. Have you tried using eCommerce CDPs to enhance the customer experience on your website? If not, reach out today and let us show you how easy it is to get started. We promise you won’t be disappointed.



Areeya Lila

Marketing AI Tech Entrepreneur and Mom of twins and a whippet. Startup advisor, D&I, AI-bias, sustainability, scuba diving & paddle boarder.